6 Books That Will Change Your Life

6 Books That Will Change Your Life

Unknown: Hello, I'm Davina
Frederick. And I'd like to

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Today, I wanted to share with

you a few of my favorite books.
These are books that have

changed the way I think and
altered the course of my life.

And I'm sharing them with you
because so many women law firm

owners asked me for book
recommendations to help them on

their growth journey. I am an
avid reader. I remember from a

very early age, my parents
taking my sisters in me to the

public library, we each had our
own library card. And as soon as

we hit the door, we'd spread out
in different directions, each

heading to our favorite section.
And after a bit, my dad would

come round us all up and we'd
head to the counter, and each of

us would have a stack of books
and our hands to check out. As

soon as we return home, we'd
spread out again, each finding

our own cozy reading spot. And
then we would sit like that for

hours in silence each of us
reading in my family of five. So

I really credit my parents for
instilling in me not only the

magical world of books, but also
my love of learning in general.

Because of them, I am a lifelong
learner. And I'm always curious

to learn about subjects, which I
might not otherwise have been

exposed at, but you know, but
for my curiosity and seeking

them out. I don't know about
you. But in law school for me,

it almost crushed my reading
spirit, the spirit, the

requirement of reading 50 pages
provide in each class was really

daunting to say the least. So
every time the holiday break

would roll around. Instead of
reading, which is something that

I love to do. I had to find
another outlet for my

creativity. And so I turned to
making art. That's when I

started painting was in law
school. It took me a few years

to really get back to pleasure
reading and my pleasure reading

habit. For many years. If I read
anything, it was a business

book. And still today, I love
business books, I'm always

reading them. But I have managed
to get you know, novels back

into my work back into my
schedule as well. Fortunately, I

also discovered audible, which
really helped me to find the

time to read, you know, to
create the time to read, I was

able to read during commutes
back when we are driving places

still. And now of course while
walking or apply makeup in the

morning. Between Kindle, audible
and actual physical books, I

have three very full bookcases
and other other places where

books have been shoved into
nooks and crannies. My Library

is pretty vast, and I absolutely
crave knowledge and I love to

share with others what I've
learned. All which brings me to

today's topic. And that's six
books that will change your

life. Now you can imagine as
somebody who is widely read the

way I am, and he's been reading
for so long, it's really hard to

narrow down to a list of your
favorite books or favorite

authors, especially when you
read across many genres. So the

books that I've selected here
for you today are I select them,

because I think they're life
changing. And while there are so

many books out there that are
wonderful, and they can truly,

you know, change the course of
our lives, do they truly change

the course of our lives and
shape the way we think? That's

that is the question. And these
books I'm going to share with

you have not only altered the
course of my life, but they've

all by changing my thinking but
they also changed my behavior in

some way. So after reading these
books, I made some change to my

behavior that helped to create
the life that I have now. And

they and I know that these books
these books easily came to mind,

because these are books that I
find myself citing wisdom from

in my daily life as I'm talking
with other women law firm owners

We're friends and I'm giving
advice to or whatever. These are

books that I sort of have
internalized in some way. And

I'm able to remember, because
they were so you know, I had

such aha moments. So if you're
not driving or you're out are

out walking, while you're
listening to this, you want to

grab your notes app, or pen and
paper and jot these down. The

links will also be in the show
notes for you. And also note

that I haven't really put these
in any particular order, I've

just listed them here. So it's
not order preference, or

anything. Number one on my list
is number one, only because I

read it in the 90s. When it
first came out, it was published

in 1989. And that is Stephen
Covey's The Seven Habits of

Highly Effective People. This
book changed the way that I show

up in my work. And in my life.
When I read this book, I, it is

a book that while I haven't read
it, in many years, a lot of the

essays, the stories he tells in
the book, still still are

implanted in my mind, and they
change the way that I think and

the way that I act. One thing in
particular is I'm always telling

my clients to put the big rocks
in first, you might hear this,

if you've ever read eat the
frog, you might hear that eat

the frog, it's the thing where
you where you prioritize what is

most important, and you get that
done first is basically the

concept. If you have ever read
it, you'll know what I mean,

when I say put the big rocks in
first, if not, then I recommend

you go and you read it, because
this concept alone will change

your life. And that doesn't even
include the other six habits. So

it is it is really a life
changing book. And I recommend

that to you as the mind number
one. Number two on my list is

Michael Gerber's event, or you
can read the E Myth revisited.

Now he has a lot of E Myth
versions, different types of E

Myth books, I in particular did
not care much for the E Myth

attorney, because he's included
some other authors in it who are

attorneys. And I think it
changed sort of the tone of the

book. So I didn't care for that
as much. But as an entrepreneur,

read the E Myth or the E Myth
revisited. It is a mystery. If

you're still working in your
business, instead of working on

your business, this book will
help you understand what you

have been missing. So I really,
I recommend this book very

strongly to a lot of my clients.
Number three on the list is Don

Miguel Ruiz's four agreements.
And you might have seen the Four

Agreements floating around as a
meme on social media. And that's

great. But if you have not read
the book, I really recommend you

read it, it is short, but it is
powerful. And there's a lot more

depth to it than what you see in
the social media. I mean, the

agreement that I have must bring
myself back to again and again,

is the one to not take things
personally. So when I'm stuck in

that space, I go and I reread
this book, especially the

chapter on not taking things
personally. It's something that

I find a lot of people struggle
with, and understandably so but

this book will really help you
to move out of that place very

quickly. And I just love the
Four Agreements. It is such a

short book. That is something
it's a pocket, pocket pocket

book book, right so you can
really keep it with you. And

just refer to it again and
again. Number four is Robert

Kiyosaki Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Not
only did I read this book, but I

gave each of my nephews a copy
of this book. As a person who

grew up in a household where
college education and steady

paycheck are viewed as the keys
to success. This book really

transformed my beliefs about how
wealth is created. And does that

mean that I don't still believe
in the value of a good education

or steady dependable flow of
income? Of course not. I do see

the value in that. But this book
opened my mind to a lot of other

possibilities. It made me think
about the power that we all have

to create more of what we
desire. And it also really

established for me, the, the
power of having the ability to

connect, to connect with other
people and also to be able to

sell anything. So a lot of value
in this book. The interesting

thing about Robert Kiyosaki that

you find if you follow him at
all, is Robert Kiyosaki has

written many many books We all
have around this rich dad poor

dad theme. And Robert Kiyosaki
also did not actually write the

books. He his books are all
ghostwritten. Well, I think the

author actually gets credit on
his book. But he, he makes it

known that he does not write
books. And I think this is very

interesting because Robert
Kiyosaki is a very, very wealthy

man. And one of his beliefs is
that he should not he should

always spend his time doing what
he does really well, the highest

best use of his time. And the
highest and best use of his time

is not writing books. And so he
hires other people to interview

him and write books for him. And
I know this can be very shocking

for people when they learn this,
but this is something for you to

think about. If you were to want
to write your own book is that

you don't necessarily have to be
the one to write it you can have

other people that these are very
clearly Robert Kiyosaki these

concepts ideas stories, it is
not that he is not that these

are not his concepts and
beliefs. These are is just that

he has somebody else who's a
better writer sit down and

actually capture all that and
put it on paper. So number five

on my list is Michael McCalla
wits is Profit First, Mike

McCalla watts, I would say
Michael. Although so a lot of

you may have read this book. And
although his exact formula does

not work, for me, for reasons to
detail to go in here. In other

words, I had to kind of pick and
choose different accounts and

sort of set things up in a
little bit different way. His

pay your first philosophy really
resonated with me. And that idea

of sort of hanging on to money,
so that you can put it to work

for you to grow other money, is
I absolutely love that. And if

you want to take it one step
further, you can read the bonus

book I'm gonna share with you,
which is the Automatic

Millionaire by David Bach.
Again, somebody who's written

many, many books around this
theme of the Automatic

Millionaire, but with different
two different audiences. But the

idea behind it is just paying
yourself first and then

automating your wealth growth.
And combining both of those have

been life changing for me those
two concepts. So now we're the

sixth book, or the seventh book,
if you include the bonus book, I

just share that will change your
life more than any other book.

And that is the book that you
writes. Although I have been a

writer my whole life, I was
never an author. until about a

year ago, when I published my
first book, The wealthy woman

lawyers guide to law firm
marketing in the virtual age. My

newest book, The wealthy woman
lawyers guide to building a

systems driven law firm business
has just been released and is

available for purchase on my
website, as is my marketing

book. Are there are these two
books as profound and life

changing as others I've listed
here are listed here as well, I

don't know that's going to be up
to the reader. But they are two

very solid books to help law
firm owners grow their law firm

businesses. So if you are a law
firm owner, we're lucky to

Kreger a law firm business. I
believe there, there are some

concepts in each of these books
that can change your life that

will be life changing for you.

I can tell you though, for me
that these books have altered my

life in ways I've never expected
and my business, it's the same

with every author that I need.
While reading great books by

famous authors will surely
influence your thinking and

maybe even behavior change some
of your behaviors, the book that

you write, are really catapult
your career and establish you as

a go to authority on a
particular subject. It also will

help make you more visible to
your target audience, you'll get

invited to speak more to be more
podcast. It'll help you be seen

by your target audience and make
you more visible in the world.

And also, like I said, will
establish you as you know, the

go to person, you're the one who
wrote the book on a subject. And

here's the exciting thing about
writing and publishing a book in

today's world. You don't need to
be approved by HarperCollins or

you know, any of these famous
publishers to be taken

seriously. Many, many wonderful
business books out there are

self published. And if you've
been thinking about writing your

own book, I want you to shoot me
an email at support at wealthy

woman lawyer and I'll put you in
touch with my publisher. It's a

small press that helped me
publish my first two books, and

very soon will help me publish
my third book. So if you that's

something you're thinking about
doing, I highly encourage you to

to do that. to write your own
book and work on getting that

published out in the world, so
other people can hear your voice

and learn your pointed point of
view and perspective. And think

about, not only will it be life
changing for you, but think

about, even if it only changes
the lives of one or two other

people out there, what a
wonderful legacy and impact to

leave in the world. So I do hope
you've enjoyed today's episode,

and happy reading to all of you.
I hope you enjoy these books. If

you think you'd be a good guest
for the wealthy woman lawyer

podcast, I invite you to reach
out to us at support at wealthy

woman lawyer and tell us about
yourself and your business and

why you would be a good fit for
our audience. We are always

excited about meeting other
successful women, law firm

owners and experts in the legal
industry. Also, if you enjoyed

this episode, please share it
with others. It's super easy to

do, it won't cost you a cent and
they'll appreciate you that you

thought about them enough to
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please leave us a review and

comments there. We do. We do
read those and we so appreciate

them. Thanks again for being
here and being part of the

wealth mumbler community. We'll
see you next week.

6 Books That Will Change Your Life
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